There’s a story that while Rabbi Refael Meyuchas was the Chief Rabbi of Israel, he was asked whether or not it was permitted for the children of Karaites to study […]
The Or Hachayim Alleyway
The alleyway derives its name from the yeshivah of Rabbi Chaim ben Attar, who was known as the “Or Hachayim.” On May 13, 1948, a British officer led a column […]
Burial Inscription from the First Temple Period
The Shiloach Village near the City of David has the largest concentration of graves from the Biblical First Temple period. There, two inscriptions were found. The longer one reads: This […]
Carving of the Menorah
In the dust covering the bottom of a drainage ditch near the Western Wall, something amazing was uncovered. A stone tool was found, with a carving of the Menorah. This […]